African American Health Programs
African Americans NAMI National Alliance on Mental Illness. African American Mental Health. African Americans are no different when its comes to prevalence of mental health conditions when compared to the rest of the population. However, your concerns or experiences and how you understand and cope with these conditions may be different. This page focuses on how mental health affects the African American community so that you know how to find help. Why Does Mental Health MatterAfrican American Authors Expo and MultiCultural Book Fair Independent Book Authors in the Metropolitan Area. Diabetes is one of the most serious health problems that the African American community faces today. Without mental health we cannot be healthy. Any part of the bodyincluding the braincan get sick. Practicing Power Now Pdf. We all experience emotional ups and downs from time to time caused by events in our lives. Covers history, life, and culture of Africa, AfroAmerica, Caribbean, and Latin America. Graduate and undergraduate degrees offered. The Forgotten History Of AfricanAmerican Jockeys Many of the early jockeys in the Kentucky Derbys history were black unlike today, as Professor. Healthy-Diet-For-Happier-Living.jpg' alt='African American Health Programs' title='African American Health Programs' />Welcome to the African Family Health Organization 1 Our Work AFAHO works to assist, serve, and empower members of the African and Caribbean immigrant and refugee. I appreciated reading this article. Crack Terminal Server Windows 2003. My son has many AfricanAmerican friends from his playing basketball at an inner city high school, and I have been called mom. African American Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Association. Lakewood, Washington. We provide support and direct service for Veterans, homeless Veterans, incarcerated. Popular African American Web Sites Courtesy of Return To Glory. Mental health conditions go beyond these emotional reactions to specific situations. They are medical conditions that cause changes in how we think and feel and in our mood. These changes can alter your life because they make it hard to relate to others and function the way you used to. Without proper treatment, mental health conditions can worsen and make day to day life hard. If you feel you or a loved one might be experiencing a mental health condition, remember that these are biological brain disorders. Anyone can develop a mental health problem. It isnt your fault or your familys fault. Seeking treatment can help you live a fulfilled life and can strengthen you and your family for the future. How Do Mental Health Conditions Affect the African American Community Although anyone can develop a mental health problem, African Americans sometimes experience more severe forms of mental health conditions due to unmet needs and other barriers. According to the Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health, African Americans are 2. Wwe No Mercy Game Pc. Common mental health disorders among African Americans include African Americans are also more likely to experience certain factors that increase the risk for developing a mental health condition Homelessness. People experiencing homelessness are at a greater risk of developing a mental health condition. African Americans make up 4. Exposure to violence increases the risk of developing a mental health condition such as depression, anxiety and post traumatic stress disorder. African American children are more likely to be exposed to violence than other children. Issues to Consider. Different reasons prevent African Americans from seeking treatment and receiving quality care. Lack of Information and Misunderstanding about Mental Health. In the African American community, many people misunderstand what a mental health condition is and dont talk about this topic. This lack of knowledge leads many to believe that a mental health condition is a personal weakness or some sort of punishment from God. African Americans may be reluctant to discuss mental health issues and seek treatment because of the shame and stigma associated with such conditions. Many African Americans also have trouble recognizing the signs and symptoms of mental health conditions, leading to underestimating the effects and impact of mental health conditions. Some may think of depression as the blues or something to snap out of. Because of the lack of information about mental health issues, its not always clear where to find help when you may need it. Fortunately, you came to the right place to learn about what mental health conditions are and how to access treatments and supports. Dont let fear of what others may think prevent you or a loved one from getting better. One in 5 people is affected by mental illness. This means that, even if we dont talk about it, most likely we have one of these illnesses or know someone who does. Faith, Spirituality and Community. In the African American community, family, community and spiritual beliefs tend to be great sources of strength and support. However, research has found that many African Americans rely on faith, family and social communities for emotional support rather than turning to health care professionals, even though medical or therapeutic treatment may be necessary. Faith and spirituality can help in the recovery process but should not be the only option you pursue. If spirituality is an important part of your life, your spiritual practices can be a strong part of your treatment plan. Your spiritual leaders and faith community can provide support and reduce isolation. Be aware that sometimes faith communities can be a source of distress and stigma if they are misinformed about mental health or do not know how to support families dealing with these conditions. Do rely on your family, community and faith for support, but you might also need to seek professional help. Reluctance and Inability to Access Mental Health Services. Only about one quarter of African Americans seek mental health care, compared to 4. Here are some reasons why Distrust and misdiagnosis. Historically, African Americans have been and continue to be negatively affected by prejudice and discrimination in the health care system. Misdiagnoses, inadequate treatment and lack of cultural competence by health professionals cause distrust and prevent many African Americans from seeking or staying in treatment. Socio economic factors play a part too and can make treatment options less available. According to the U. S. Census Bureau, as of 2. African Americans had no form of health insurance. The Affordable Care Act is making it easier and more affordable to get insured. Medications. Some studies indicate that African Americans metabolize many medications more slowly than the general population yet are more likely to receive higher dosages. This may result in a greater chance of negative side effects and a decreased likelihood of sticking with treatment. Provider Bias and Inequality of Care. Conscious or unconscious bias from providers and lack of cultural competence result in misdiagnosis and poorer quality of care for African Americans. African Americans, especially women, are more likely to experience and mention physical symptoms related to mental health problems. For example, you may describe bodily aches and pains when talking about depression. A health care provider who is not culturally competent might not recognize these as symptoms of a mental health condition. Additionally, men are more likely to receive a misdiagnosis of schizophrenia when expressing symptoms related to mood disorders or PTSD. Given this bias and the negative impact they have on our care, it is easy to understand why so many African Americans mistrust health professionals in general and avoid accessing care. While you have a reason to doubt whether professionals will mistreat you or not, dont let this fear prevent you from seeking care. The section below gives ideas on how to find the right provider for you. Finding the Right Provider for You. Cultural Competence in Service Delivery. Culturea persons beliefs, norms, values and languageplays a key role in every aspect of our lives, including our mental health. Cultural competence is a doctors ability to recognize and understand the role culture yours and the doctors plays in treatment and to adapt to this reality to meet your needs. Unfortunately, research has shown lack of cultural competence in mental health care. This results in misdiagnosis and inadequate treatment. African Americans and other multicultural communities tend to receive poorer quality of care. However, you can improve your odds of getting culturally sensitive care. Deparment of African African American Studies. The Department encourages and welcomes donations for student scholarships, lecture series, teaching and service awards, faculty research, public programming, and other activities. Please use this link to donate to African and African American Studies. Dont miss Employment Opportunities, the Africana Club, or Gift Giving. For student scholarships, faculty research, lecture series, teaching awards, service awards, and overall improvement, the Department encourages and welcomes donations. Please, use this link to donate to the African African American Studies Department.