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Military Acronyms SPA Service Delivery Toolkit. Resources Military KnowledgeHelpful hint Press CtrlF find on your keyboard to utilize a quick find feature this will enable you to search for the acronym you wish to define. ACRONYMDEFINITION. NL. not less than. MCgeneral announcing system. NCD1st Naval Construction Division. NCDFirst Naval Construction Division. IOC1st Information Operations Command Land2 Dtwo dimensional. Hp2n8/854x480-VBB.jpg' alt='How To Make A Black Ops Gpd Mod Menu' title='How To Make A Black Ops Gpd Mod Menu' />Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. ERole 2 enhanced. LMRole 2 light maneuver. KtYgavA26Uw/0.jpg' alt='Black Ops Gpd Mod Menu Zombies' title='Black Ops Gpd Mod Menu Zombies' />Dthree dimensional. AOC TACC6. 18 Air Operations Center Tanker Airlift Control CenterAanalog. A Padministrative and personnel analysis and production. A 1director of manpower, personnel, and services Air ForceA 2intelligence staff officer Air ForceA 3operations directorate COMAFFOR staff operations staff officer Air ForceA 4director of logistics Air ForceA 5plans directorate COMAFFOR staffA 6communications staff officer Air ForceA 7director of installations and mission support Air ForceA Space. Analytic Space. ACaircraft. ADanalog to digital. ADACGarrivaldeparture airfield control group. ADCGarrivaldeparture control group. AEammunitionexplosives. AETFautomatedelectronic target folder. AGair to ground. AMapproach and moor. ANMadministrativenetwork management. THNpbmlnREJvd0Ex_o_black-ops-2-glitches-god-mode-glitch-nuketown-zombie-.jpg' alt='Black Ops Gpd Mod Menu' title='Black Ops Gpd Mod Menu' />ASanti spoofing. A2antiaccess. A2. C2. Army airspace command and control. AAassessment agent avenue of approach. AA Earms, ammunition, and explosives. AAAantiaircraft artillery arrival and assembly area assign alternate area. AABBAmerican Association of Blood Banks. AABWSamphibious assault bulk water system. AACactivity address code. AACGarrival airfield control group. AADCarea air defense commander. AADParea air defense plan. AAFESArmy and Air Force Exchange Service. AAFIFautomated air facility information file. AAFSamphibious assault fuel system. AAFSFamphibious assault fuel supply facility. AAGaeronautical assignment group. AAGSArmy air ground system. AAIair to air interface. AAMair to air missile. AAMDCUnited States Army Air and Missile Defense Command. AAOEarrival and assembly operations element. AAOGarrival and assembly operations group. AAPAllied administrative publication assign alternate parent. AARafter action report after action review air to air refueling area. AASamphibious assault ship. AASTaeromedical evacuation administrative support team. AATautomatic analog test aviation advisory team. AATCCamphibious air traffic control center. AAUanalog applique unit. AAVamphibious assault vehicle. AAWantiair warfare. ABair base. ABCAAmerican, British, Canadian, Australian, and New Zealand. ABCSArmy Battle Command System. ABDairbase defense. ABFCadvanced base functional component. ABFDSaerial bulk fuel delivery system. ABFSamphibious bulk fuel system. ABGDair base ground defense. ABISAutomated Biometric Identification System. ABLairborne laser. ABLTSamphibious bulk liquid transfer system. ABMantiballistic missile. ABNairborne. ABNCPAirborne Command Post. ABOair base operability blood typing system. ABPair battle plan. ACActive Component alternating current. AC 1. 30. Hercules. ACS, C4. IAssistant Chief of Staff, Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence USMCAC2airspace command and control. ACAair clearance authority airlift clearance authority airspace control authority airspace coordination area. ACAAautomatic chemical agent alarm. ACAPSarea communications electronics capabilities. ACATaeromedical evacuation command augmentation team. ACBamphibious construction battalion. ACCAir Combat Command air component commander area coordination center Army Contracting Command. ACCEair component coordination element. ACCONacoustic condition. Dish Tv Hacking Tricks 2013. ACCSair command and control system. ACCSAAllied Communications and Computer Security Agency. ACDautomated cargo documentation. ACDOassistant command duty officer. ACEairborne command element USAF air combat element NATO Allied Command Europe aviation combat element USMCACEOIautomated communications electronics operating instructions. ACFair contingency force. ACIassign call inhibit. ACICArmy Counterintelligence Center. ACINTacoustic intelligence. ACKacknowledgement. ACLaccess control list allowable cabin load. ACLANTAllied Command Atlantic. ACLPaffiliated contingency load planning. ACMadvanced conventional munitions advanced cruise missile air combat maneuver air contingency Marine air ground task force MAGTF airspace coordinating measure. ACMREQairspace control means request airspace coordination measures request. ACNassign commercial network. ACOadministrative contracting officer airspace control order. ACOAadaptive course of action. ACOCarea communications operations center. ACOCCair combat operations command center. ACOSassistant chief of staff. ACPaccess control point air commanders pointer airspace control plan Allied communications publication assign common pool. ACRarmored cavalry regiment Army assign channel reassignment. ACSagile combat support air capable ship airspace control system auxiliary crane ship. ACSAacquisition and cross servicing agreement Allied Communications Security Agency. ACTactivity advance civilian team Allied Command Transformation. ACUassault craft unit. ACVaircraft cockpit video armored combat vehicle. ACWadvanced conventional weapons. ADactive duty advanced deployability air defense area denial automatic distribution priority add on. ADAaerial damage assessment air defense artillery. ADAFCOair defense artillery fire control officer. ADALauthorized dental allowance list. ADAMair defense airspace management. ADAMBAEair defense airspace managementbrigade aviation element. ADAMSAllied Deployment and Movement System. ADANSAir Mobility Command Deployment Analysis System. ADCair defense commander area damage control. ADCAPadvanced capability. ADCIMSAssociate Director of Central Intelligence for Military Support. ADCONadministrative control. ADDassign on line diagnostic. ADDOAssistant Deputy Director for Operations. ADDOMSAssistant Deputy Director for OperationsMilitary Support. ADEairdrop damage estimate assign digit editing. ADFautomatic direction finding. ADIZair defense identification zone. ADKCRCUAutomatic Key Distribution CenterRekeying Control Unit. ADLadvanced distributed learning assign XX SL routing. ADMINadministration. ADNAllied Command Europe desired ground zero number. ADNETanti drug network. ADOCair defense operations center. ADPair defense plan Army doctrine publication automated data processing. ADPEautomated data processing equipment. Fruity Wrapper Vst. ADPSautomatic data processing system. ADRaccident data recorder aircraft damage repair airfield damage repair. ADRAAdventist Development and Relief Agency. ADRPArmy doctrine reference publication. ADSair defense section air defense sector amphibian discharge site authoritative data source. ADSIAAllied Data Systems Interoperability Agency. ADSWactive duty for special work. ADTactive duty for training assign digital transmission group automatic digital tester. ADUSDTPAssistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense, Transportation Policy. ADVONadvanced echelon. ADWair defense warnings. ADWCair defense warning condition. ADZamphibious defense zone. AEaeromedical evacuation assault echelon attenuation equalizer. AECaeromedical evacuation crew. AECAArms Export Control Act. AECMaeromedical evacuation crew member. AECSaeromedical evacuation command squadron. AECTaeromedical evacuation control team. AEGair expeditionary group. AEHFadvanced extremely high frequency. AELTaeromedical evacuation liaison team.