Fips To Zip Code Conversion
Area Code Database NPA NXX List. Our Area Code NPANXX Database listing contains all current data regarding Area Codes, NXX Prefix, City Name, State, County name, FIPS, time zone, daylight savings indicator, latitude, longitude, Metropolitan Statistical Area MSA, MSA description name, and more. Our Area Code NPANXX Database is unique. You can download the database for a full year in all formats. We give you the choice of 3 separate formats to download your Area Code data Microsoft Access Database MDB, Comma Separated Values CSV, and Tab Delimited TAB. Our database is updated 4 times a year to include the most current area code data. Our Data includes all NPANXX codes for the US. How To Install Marvel Vs Capcom 2 On Psp. Fips To Zip Code Conversion' title='Fips To Zip Code Conversion' />Canada and American Territories listed only for reference not fully supported. Note that telecom data changes frequently discrepancies will exist. Amelie Piano Score Pdf. Levine The Jazz Piano Book Pdf on this page. Only online source to include ZIP Code info, provider company listings, and landlinewireless differentiation. Instantly download NPANXX data covering the entire US for immediate use. Easily assign NPANXX codes to each of your sites for automated call routing. NEW Additional latlon info provided for the center of the serving area only online source of this valuable information. Access to the TIGERLine Shapefiles and TIGERLine File products for use in a GIS. Includes inputs from the major telecommunications providers. NOTE Due to the Number Portability Act and other factors, not all zip codes will be represented in the area code database. Database Specifications Download Sample Data Download Database. Code1 Plus validates, corrects and standardizes customer address data and is CASS Certified by the USPS. Its address data solutions help you provide accurate, on.