Flash 2D Animation Fla Files
Flash Tutorial Character Movement with Arrow Keys. Level This is a basic Actions. Script tutorial. As this is not an animation tutorial, a basic knowledge of the Flash user environment is assumed. Flash 2D Animation Fla Files' title='Flash 2D Animation Fla Files' />Version I will be using Flash CS3 and AS2 athough tut is compatible with earlier versions of Flash and instructions are for the Mac. Windows users would use the PC counterparts for specific instructions on Flash MenuShortcut instuctions. Description In this Flash tutorial, I will show you how to move a game character using the arrow keys, and have the character face in the direction that he is moving. Demo. This movie requires Flash Player 8. Lets get started Select File New command N and select Flash File Action. Script 2. 0 to open a new Flash document file. Save the file, and give it the appropriate name. I will call this char. Movetut. 1. Feel free to make the document dimensions Modify Document or command J whatever you like, but I chose to use a size of 4. The first thing we want to do is create a game character with 4 seperate states left profile, right profile, front profile and back profile. Because this is not an illustration animation tutorial, I will not be going through how to illustrate your character. Feel free to illustrate your own character, and convert each profile into its own symbol. For those beginners who do not want to illustrate their own character at this time, feel free to download the below. Front Profile Download right click on link and select Save Link As. This movie requires Flash Player 8. Left Profile Download. One of the best things about visiting art museums is being able to see work that touches and inspires you, and it makes sense that you might want to snap a photo. But. Adobe Animate is one of the common animation programs for lowcost 2D television and commercial animation, in competition with Anime Studio and Toon Boom Animation. By now, many will have heard about Adobes decision to bid farewell to Flash, at least in name. The following are my thoughts, as they relate to animators and. MDGx AXCEL216 MAX Speed Performance Windows 10 2012 8. Vista 2003 XP SP1 SP2 SP3 ME 2000 98 SE OSR2 OSR1 95 NT4 NT 3. DOS 6 Tricks Secrets Tips. Extension Explanation. Adobe Flash. However, several nonAdobe. This movie requires Flash Player 8. Right Profile Download. Public debate around the governments ability to access encrypted files exploded in 2015 when Apple fought the US government over its requests to unlock a. Last week, Adobe announced that they would stop supporting Flash by 2020. In some ways this is surprising I still sometimes run into pages that require Flash, and. This movie requires Flash Player 8. Back Profile Download. Learn how to programmatically create motion effects to move, resize, transition, and fade movie clips easily in your Flash projects. BibMe Free Bibliography Citation Maker MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard. This movie requires Flash Player 8. To import these files, open your Flash file, select File Import Import to Library, browse to where you saved the above files, select the files and click the Import to Library button. You should now see the 4 profiles as symbols in your Flash document Library Window Library cmd L. Once you have your character profiles ready either by using mine or creating your own, we will need to place them in a movie clip symbol in order to control the movement. On frame 1 of our main movie timeline, select Insert New Symbol cmd F8. This will bring up the Create New Symbol dialog box Fig. In the Name field, give your symbol an appropriate name I chose mccharacter, select the Movie Clip radial, and hit OK. This will automatically put you in the symbol editing mode for your new symbol. In your new symbol, create 2 new layers. Name the top layer actions, the second layer labels and the bottom layer character. Extend your timeline to 2. Select keyframe 5 for all 3 layers you can shift click or click and drag, and insert a new keyframe Insert Timeline Keyframe or F6. Do the same thing at frame 1. Click on keyframe 1 of our labels layer, and in the Properties window Window Properties Properties or cmd F3, give this frame a label of right Fig. On frame 5, do the same thing, giving it a lable of left, frame 1. Your timeline should now look similar to Fig. Note Technically, we can make this movie clip only 4 frames, with frames 1 4 labeled the same as above. However, For the purposes of this tutorial, I felt it better to extend the frames in order to better illustrate the frame labels. On frame 1 of your character layer, drag your right profile symbol to the stage and align it to the center. Tip You can center align your symbols to the stage by using the Align palette Window Align or cmd K Fig. Be sure the To Stage button is selected it will be a darker shade of grey when selected to align your sybols to the stage, deselecting this button allows you to align multiple symbols to each other. On frame 5 of your character layer, drag your left profile symbol to the stage and align it to the center. In case you havent figured it out, do the same thing at frame 1. The last step is to add the Action. Script to our movie clip symbol. On the actions layer, click on frame 1, and add the following code to the Action panel WIndow Actions or alt F9 stop This simply stops our movie from playing through, since we only want it to change based on what key is pressed. Do the same thing at frame 5, 1. Our movie clip is now complete, so its time to add the Action. Script that will control our movement and the profile of our character. Return to your main timeline. Drag your mccharacter symbol from the library onto your stage. WIth your character selected, add the following code to the Actions panel on. Clip. Evententer. FrameifKey. is. DownKey. RIGHTthis. x 5 this. And. Stopright ifKey. DownKey. LEFTthis. And. Stopleft ifKey. DownKey. UPthis. y 5 this. And. Stopup ifKey. DownKey. DOWNthis. And. Stopdown UPDATE Ive been finding several readers having trouble with doing a straight copypaste of this code from the Web. I believe the issue lies in the quotation marks. When copying from the Web, it sometimes uses smartquotes. If you are getting an error on test regarding the quote marks, first step is to be sure you are using regular quotes type them in instead of copypaste from the Web site. If you are still having problems, feel free to drop me a comment and I will try my best to help resolve your issues. Mike. Thats it Go ahead and test your movie. What you shoud see is when you click on the arrow keys, your character not only moves in that direction, but faces that direction as well up being backwards, down being forwards. Now, let me try and explain the code on. Clip. Evententer. FrameOn Clip. Event refers to the movie clip which this code is added to, the enter. Frame is saying everytime our movie enters this frame of our main timeline, peform the actions between the curly brackets. Key. is. DownKey. RIGHTwhen the right arrow key is pressed, perform the actions within the curly brackets. If the right arrow is pressed, move the moviclip 5 pixels to the right Tip for faster movement, increase this number, for slower movement, decrease this number. And. Stopright Go to our frame labeled right in our movie clip symbol and stop on that frame. Tip Frame labels are case sensitive. Key. is. DownKey. LEFTthis. x 5 this. And. Stopleft This code is doing the same as above, but saying if the left arrow is pressed, move the clip 5 pixels to the left and go to our frame labeled left. Key. is. DownKey. UPthis. y 5 this. And. Stopup This is doing the same as above, but saying if the up arrow is pressed, move the clip 5 pixels up y represents the y position of your clip and go to our frame labeled up. Key. is. DownKey. DOWNthis. y 5 this. And. Stopdown This is doing the same as above, but saying if the down arrow is pressed, move the clip 5 pixels down and to go our frame labeled down. Thanks for reading, and I hope you found this tutorial useful. Source files are below, with commented code. As always, comments or questions are welcome. Check back soon for more expaned tutorials based on the idea of character movement. Source Files Flash 8 Flash Tutorial Character Movement with Arrow Keys. Flash is Dead What Technologies Might Be Next Last week, Adobe announced that they would stop supporting Flash by 2. In some ways this is surprising I still sometimes run into pages that require Flash, and you can still find a few defenders of the platform in the software development community. But in other ways it was a long time coming. You can often see the decline of a technology in advance, by examining data on its usage in the software development community. One notable source of such data is in our Stack Overflow Trends tool, which shows questions about Flash have been declining in frequency since 2. This sudden shift in Flashs fortune suggests theres truth to the conventional wisdom that Apple killed Flash by not supporting it on the i. Pad in 2. 01. 0. If we would have been able to see Flashs decline in advance, what other technologies might be past their peak Here well use Stack Overflow data to dive into this question. What technology might be next to die Flash has had its defenders over the last decade heres some historical context, even though its decline in developer activity was apparent since about 2. Might there be other technologies that appear reasonably healthy, but have also been declining in the last few years To answer this question, we looked at Stack Overflow questions posted over time, the same data behind the Trends tool. We considered the trend in the last five years to include tags that were once growing, hit a peak, then started shrinking, and estimated the rate of decrease over time for each technology. This is public data you can use this query to download it yourself, so Id be interested in what others find. We considered a technology to be shrinking if questions about it declined by at least 1. By that standard, what were the fastest shrinking technologies Since 2. Stack Overflow were Flex a Flash based web application framework and Microsofts Silverlight. Both shrunk over time even faster than Flash did, with Flex showing a particularly sharp decline since its peak in 2. Each of these technologies has dropped by about two orders of magnitude in terms of their presence on the site. One of these is already deprecated in 2. Microsoft announced that they would stop supporting Silverlight by 2. Flex is technically still officially supported since 2. Apache Foundation rather than by Adobe, but considering the deprecation of Flash, along with its diminished presence in developer questions, its hard to say that its a technology with a future. Among major technologies those with at least 1. Microsofts ASP. NET web framework has been decreasing as a share of Stack Overflow questions since the founding of the site this may be skewed because the site started with a disproportionate number of C developers, but it also may reflect a diminishing relevance of Microsoft in the web developer space. Questions about Ruby on Rails grew more frequent until about 2. Objective C has been declining as well, since its being replaced by Swift as the language of choice for i. OS development. Similarly, the iphone and ipad tags have been replaced by the general ios tags for questions about Apples mobile platform see our blog post on mobile development for more exploration of those trends or see i. OS listings to explore job opportunities. There are other languages and technologies that have been shrinking rapidly in this time period. Perl has seen its relevance decline for a long time though its worth noting that it still gets more questions month to month than truly dead tags like Flash or Flex. Questions about development on Facebooks application platform peaked in 2. Questions about the Eclipse IDE started declining around 2. JQuery Mobile was a popular library for reactive web development, but judging by the number of questions asked about it the interest seems to have declined in the last few years. Do question visits tell a different story Of course, the number of questions asked about a technology isnt necessarily representative of its health. Developers often search for existing solutions to their problems before asking their own question, and it could be that once a large foundation of questions exist, users get their answers from those questions rather than asking new ones. Aplikasi Peta Indonesia Vector Ai File more. Is it possible that for some of these tags, the questions that have already been asked are being visited more Instead of looking at questions asked, we could therefore consider the number of visits to questions over time. We have this kind of traffic data back to late 2. Can we see similar declines in traffic to these tags For the selected shrinking tags that we examined in this post, we generally see that the traffic tells a similar story to the number of questions asked. Traffic to questions about Flash, Flex, and Silverlight has dropped to almost nothing since 2. ASP. NET and Ruby on Rails, while still making up a substantial portion of traffic, have undoubtedly been declining over time. Eclipse stays steady until 2. From most of the tags weve analyzed, we usually find question traffic is a slightly lagging indicator relative to questions. Once the share of new questions to a technology starts decreasing, question traffic starts declining shortly afterward. Note that this isnt simply because new questions get viewed by people trying to answer them about 9. Stack Overflow traffic is to questions asked not on that day. Rather, this may suggest a shift where developers stop needing to ask new questions, and subsequently stop needing to visit existing solutions. Conclusion do questions really represent the health of a technology Bjarne Stroustrup, inventor of C, said that There are two types of programming languages the ones people complain about, and the ones nobody uses. Id argue that for the most part, the same is true of asking questions. We on the data team often examine the number of Stack Overflow questions or visits to get a sense of the health of a technology. Ive heard counter arguments that this isnt a good measure, since what questions or traffic really represent is how many people are confused about a technology, and that more comfortable users may not need to ask questions. Its absolutely true that we should examine the biases and shortcomings of any metric, and the comfort of users with a technology is one confounding factor to consider. However, I think the Trends data still gives us important insights. First, I dont think its possible to run out of questions that can be asked, any more than its possible to run out of books that can be written. There have been 1. Java. Script questions asked in the sites history, yet its pace has grown steadily. Surely if it were possible to run out of questions about Java. Script, we would have done so already. Secondly, if everyone using your technology knows everything about it, that means your community isnt growing. A healthy technology environment includes a stream of newcomers that are learning the basics, as well as experts testing the platforms limits. Both of these types of users will often ask questions as part of their workflow. In 2. 01. 1, a Flash developer could have argued Yes, the number of Flash questions has been declining recently, but thats simply because the documentation is so helpful and we already know how to use it. Only time would tell the real story.